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» Spain » Things-to-do

Tourist Attractions of Spain & Things to Do

  • Carnival - best in Santa Cruz de Tenerife , Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Cadiz
  • Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos (Three wise men parade) - on the eve of epiphany, 5th of January, the night before Spanish kids get their Christmas presents, it rains sweets and toys in every single town and city
  • La Tomatina - a giant tomato fight in Bunol
  • Moros y Cristianos (Moors and Christians, mostly found in Southeastern Spain during spring time) - parades and "battles" remembering the fights of medieval ages


  • New Year eve : There's a tradition in Spain to eat grape at clock strikes, one berry for each strike. For this, even small packs of grapes (exactly 12 grape berries per pack) are sold in supermarkets before New Year.

Outdoor activities

  • Canyoning : see Spain section in the Canyoning article
  • Climbing in: Los Mallos (Aragon )
  • Whitewater sports in: Campo, Murillo de Gallego ( Aragon)
  • Hiking in Galicia

Skiing in the northen region of Spain

Scuba Diving

For a treat, try Costa Brava and the world renowned Canary Islands

Source: Wikitravel.org