Germany Travel
Germany Travel From Castles and Villages to International Urban Centers
Germany is a diverse country with 16 different regions comprising one of the most influential countries in the world. With various destinations, historical monuments, and beautiful scenery, it may be difficult to decide just where in Germany you want to visit first. It may be best to start with Germany's capital, Berlin. It is the largest and most traveled to destination in Germany. Travel guides can help direct your trip to any part of Germany including some of the other popular destinations like Munich, Frankfurt, and Stuttgart. In addition to these, some of the small towns in southern Germany surrounded by the majestic Black Forest or the Alps may be worth a visit.
Berlin is rich in historical influence with famous museums, private art galleries, and grand cathedrals and churches comprising just a few of the many attractions that Germany has to offer. One of the most significant landmarks in Germany are the quant castles located throughout the country. The beautiful architecture and brilliant designs attract thousands of spectators every year.
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Features Rated by Germany Locals
Berlin is rich in historical influence with famous museums, private art galleries, and grand cathedrals and churches comprising just a few of the many attractions that Germany has to offer. One of the most significant landmarks in Germany are the quant castles located throughout the country. The beautiful architecture and brilliant designs attract thousands of spectators every year.
Bavaria is equipped with a variety of castled nestled on the mountainside, and it is the largest region in Germany located in southeast area of the country. This would be a great area to visit for a peaceful, relaxing stay on your journey through Germany and Europe. Bavaria is a part of the Alps giving it a radiant, almost storybook atmosphere. Info on the best restaurants and hotels can be found at any of Germany's travel guides online or in print. Munich is located inside of Bavaria and offers a warm, inviting environment in contrast to some of the other prominent cities found in Germany.
The Rhine River is located in the south part of Germany sweeping through seven countries. It is one of the longest rivers in Europe complete with gorgeous scenery and views. Exploring the Alps and the Rhine river would be a great travel option for nature enthusiasts. Travel guides are available to help assess the best route to take when traveling through the German southland.
A Germany travel guide will give you more detailed information on flights, hotels, restaurants, shopping, and other accommodations. You can find a video travel guide or purchase a book.. A travel book on Germany can give you a list of key words and phrases to remember when you are traveling in case you need to speak with a local for directions or advice on restaurants and sightseeing locales.